As time goes on..

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a little bit depressed.

yah . that self esteem high. gone. out the window. imploded into a million peices. I have not gone to the gym since Monday, and in that time I have had baseball but thats just not enough excersise. I had to go to my friends play this evening and tuesday night. so ive been rather busy. I feel like a fat lard.. today's eating wasnt so bad, but I have thesee strange after nap binges..
Breakfast: Two slices of toast one with nutella and one with peanutbutter and honey.. 260
Lunch: nothing
Snack: Beans and rice.. and a cookie.. not sure how many calories..
Dinner.. Sandwich with THREE peices of bread cause my parents got it from a resturant... and I ate almost all of it ugh. I just want my fatass to just fall off now.
Desserts : 2 cookies, and an icecream sandwich.. ugh. killl me.
Punishment tomorrow no food.. whatsoever.

Eff. and this guy keeps wanting to hangout adn I dont think he knows how fat I really am.. i hate to be a disappointment. but i know I will .

I just want to cry.

Grads in 7 days...


  1. Go out with this guy! Seriously, you may never know...

  2. Yeah I agree, go out with the guy. You never know, you might end up getting married and having 3 kids along with a minivan and all that married-life stuff. :) Give it a chance. It could atleast be a learning curve.

    Sorry to hear about your very small binge, don't beat yourself up. Tomorrow is another day and a new month, make it count.

    Lots of love,
    Madz <3

  3. meh, food sounds so much worse when you total it all up. that wasn't a terribly bad day... and at least you paced yourself. i hate that shitty feeling after a dose of self-esteem, it just seems so much worse.
