As time goes on..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

im going crazy..

wow, im a loser. I've started a collection of skinny girls in mostly clothing advertisements.. haha , especailly in the latest american eagle advertisement, and this girls bod is gorgeous.. I will be there one day. I seem to catch myself constantly just staring at girls with skinnny bodies, and I've started to judge everyone else's bodies and eating habits, i dont konw if im a terrible person for this or not.. hmm. Today, I'm feeling like crap, but still feeling pretty good. My Grandma on the weekend said I looked like I had lost weight, and that I looked good. I'm kinda sad I didn't make it the gym this evening, but I was watching my friends in their one acts (drama class shows) it was good . Minus I had a super huge headache so it was kinda hard to concentrate. Food wise today was decent. I did not go over bored. everything I ate was very minimal...
Breakfast: Toast with a skim of peanut butter and honey 130
Lunch: none
Afternoon snack: Banana
Dinner: 6 mini spanikopita triangles 150
Dessert: mini icecream sandwich 90
Settle down the grumble snack : 6 slices of cucumber with some cheese and tea :)

I hope all you ladies are doing lovely ! ♥

1 comment:

  1. No you're not a terrible person. I absolutely GLARE at people who eat around me. And i think horrible thoughts about them in the process. Bishes.
    So don't feel bad. We're all perverts when it comes to thinspo. :)

    <3 lots of love
