As time goes on..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I couldn't do it alone.

I don't even know what happened.. I stopped coming on here and as a result I ballooned to a massive size. its horrible and its summer. And I have no excuses anymore school is over. its time to focus on the task at hand or forever be a lard ass..

All Ive eaten today is a strawberry..and i haven't seen a scale in a month.. or even seen the inside of a gym for that matter........................................
lately Ive been hanging out with these two girls, and they have absolutely perfect bodies, its almost annoying being with them cause I know when guys look at us.. there actually just seeing them, and wondering why the fuck they are walking around with a hippopotamus by there sides..I would know, I think the same thing.

Ive failed..but will crawl my way back to success step by step.
Hopefully by August I will hit some sort of goal weight for California :)

1 comment:

  1. !I stopped coming on here and as a result I ballooned to a massive size."
    I know that feeling! When I don't visit my blog, then I don't read others blogs...and then it goes.. I'm happy you're back :)
